[Haskell] APLAS 2018 2nd CFP
Sukyoung Ryu
2018-06-03 08:23:13 UTC
​[Apologies for multiple copies]

16th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS)
Wellington, NZ, 3rd – 5th of December 2018

Abstract deadline: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Submission deadline: Friday, June 15, 2018
Author response: Wednesday-Friday, July 25-27, 2018
Author notification: Monday, August 13, 2018
Camera-ready deadline: Friday, August 31, 2018
Conference: Monday-Friday, December 3-5, 2018

The symposium is devoted to foundational and practical issues broadly spanning the areas of programming languages and systems. Papers are solicited on topics such as

- Semantics, logics, foundational theory7
- Design of languages, type systems, and foundational calculi
- Domain-specific languages
- Compilers, interpreters, abstract machines
- Program derivation, synthesis, and transformation
- Program analysis, verification, model-checking
- Logic, constraint, probabilistic, and quantum programming
- Software security
- Concurrency and parallelism
- Tools and environments for programming and implementation

Topics are not limited to those discussed in previous symposiums. Papers identifying future directions of programming and those addressing the rapid changes of the underlying computing platforms are especially welcome. Demonstration of systems and tools in the scope of APLAS are welcome to the System and Tool demonstrations category. Authors concerned about the appropriateness of a topic are welcome to consult with program chair prior to submission.

We solicit submissions in two categories:

- Regular research papers describing original scientific research results, including system development and case studies. Regular research papers should not exceed 18 pages in the Springer LNCS format, including bibliography and figures. This category encompasses both theoretical and implementation (also known as system descriptions) papers. In either case, submissions should clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant. Submissions will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. System descriptions papers should contain a link to a working system and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design. In case of lack of space, proofs, experimental results, or any information supporting the technical results of the paper could be provided as an appendix or a link to a web page, but reviewers are not obliged to read them.
- System and tool demonstrations describing a demonstration of a tool or a system that support theory, program construction, reasoning, or program execution in the scope of APLAS. The main purpose of a tool paper is to display a completed, robust and well-documented tool–highlighting the overall functionality of the tool, the interfaces of the tool, interesting examples and applications of the tool, an assessment of the tool’s strengths and weaknesses, and a summary of documentation/support available with the tool. Authors of tool demonstration proposals are expected to present a live demonstration of the tool at the conference. It is highly desirable that the tools are available on the web. System and Tool papers should not exceed 8 pages in the Springer LNCS format, including bibliography and figures. They may include an additional appendix of up to 6 extra pages giving the outline, screenshots, examples, etc. to indicate the content of the proposed live demo.
Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission web page using EasyChair. The acceptable format is PDF.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must be written in English. The proceedings will be published as a volume in Springer’s LNCS series. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference.

APLAS 2018 will use a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. Following this process means that reviewers will not see the authors’ names or affiliations as they initially review a paper. The authors’ names will then be revealed to the reviewers only once their reviews have been submitted.

Amal Ahmed (Northeastern University, USA)
Isil Dillig (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI-SWS, Germany)

General Co-Chairs:
Alex Potanin (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
David Pearce (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
Jens Dietrich (Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ)

Program Chair:
Sukyoung Ryu (KAIST, Korea)

Program Committee:
Sam Blackshear (Facebook, UK)
Bernd Burgstaller (Yonsei University, Korea)
Cristina David (University of Cambridge, UK)
Huimin Cui (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, China)
Benjamin Delaware (Purdue University, USA)
Julian Dolby (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Yuxi Fu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Aquinas Hobor (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Tony Hosking (Australian National University / Data61, Australia)
Chung-Kil Hur (Seoul National University, Korea)
Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Alexander Jordan (Oracle Labs., Australia)
Hakjoo Oh (Korea University, Korea)
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Xiaokang Qiu (Purdue University, USA)
Tamara Rezk (INRIA, France)
Xavier Rival (CNRS / ENS / INRIA, France)
Ilya Sergey (University College London, UK)
Manuel Serrano (INRIA, France)
Xipeng Shen (North Carolina State University, USA)
Guy L. Steele Jr. (Oracle Labs., USA)
Alex Summers (ETH, Switzerland)
Tachio Terauchi (Waseda University, Japan)
Peter Thiemann (Universität Freiburg, Germany)
Ashutosh Trivedi (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
Jingling Xue (UNSW Sydney, Australia)
Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London, UK)
Danfeng Zhang (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Xin Zhang (MIT, USA)
