[Haskell] 2 PhD fellows in Functional High-Performance Computing
Troels Henriksen
2018-07-20 09:15:23 UTC
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen
("DIKU") is offering 2 PhD scholarships in functional technology for
high-performance architectures commencing 1 November 2018 or as soon as
possible thereafter. The positions are funded by the Independent
Research Fund Denmark Grant "Functional Technology for High-Performance
Architectures (FUTHARK)" held by Professor Fritz Henglein.

The overall objective of FUTHARK is to advance both expressiveness and
practical performance of functional and domain-specific languages for
massively parallel computing based on both fundamental theory and
advanced compiler technology and engineering. Specific aims include but
are not limited to developing novel functional language and compiler
technology for large-scale high-performance data parallelism;
demonstrating its portability and exploring its forward compatibility by
targeting vectorized multicore CPUs, GPUs, and clusters of these;
developing the semantic, type-theoretic, algebraic, complexity-theoretic
foundations for high-level data types beyond arrays such as sets,
multisets, vector spaces, probability distributions; achieving flexible
modularization with zero performance cost; synthesise transformational
optimizations and data structures; and demonstrating high productivity
and performance on use cases in deep learning, image processing,
quantitative finance, large-scale graph processing, etc., in
collaboration with academic and industrial, national and international
project partners and the Open Source community at large.

The Programming Languages and Theory of Computing Section at DIKU is
prolific at the topmost conferences like PLDI, POPL and ICFP. Our
research covers theoretical and practical research of programming
languages with a focus on automatic program optimization, analysis and

More information:

\ Troels
/\ Henriksen